There are so many marketing companies around in 2022 and all of them do marketing through different marketing campaigns.
There exist numerous Marketing campaigns in the market but everyone wants the best marketing campaigns for their business.
With the development of technology, today’s marketing campaigns are very innovative and effective.
In this article, you will find the best marketing campaigns in 2022 which are not just ad campaigns but more than that so, just read and enjoy!

What Is A Marketing Campaign?
A marketing campaign is a plan that a company or organization put together to promote and sell its products and services. It can be digital or physical and it can be done through a variety of channels such as email marketing, social media marketing, and offline marketing.
Why Are Marketing Campaigns So Important?
Marketing campaigns are very important because they can help a company to increase its brand value. Marketing campaigns help a company reach out to a wider audience and increase its sales and market share. They can also help a company identify and target new customers and improve its customer experience.
The Best Marketing Campaigns in 2022
We can divide the best marketing campaigns into three main categories. The first category is the best Email marketing campaigns, the second is the best social media marketing campaigns and the third is the best offline marketing campaigns.
Email Marketing Campaigns in 2022:
Email marketing campaigns are very important because they help a company to reach out to a wider audience and increase its sales and market share. Here are some of the best email marketing campaigns that you can use in 2022:

Jasper is top AI tool in the world. This email marketing campaign by Jasper is one of the best email marketing campaigns in 2022. This email campaign is all about the power of Artificial Intelligence AI.
Jasper is basically an AI writing tool but in this campaign Jasper highlights its Art tool which is able to create any art or image just in seconds. Well create an image or art manually can be very difficult for many people but jasper makes it easy for them.
The best way of marketing is to convince your audience that this will make things easy for them and jasper did that exactly in this email marketing campaign. The best thing of this email is its heading which urges people to read it and then some arts shown also attracts people. People loves to see a demo of things which they read and jasper ticks that box as well in their email by providing a clear Demo button.
All these factors (Headline, Art examples, Demo button and CTA) was critical to make this email campaign on of the best email marketing campaigns of 2022.

People loves mystery, Peel understands this phycology and used it in their email marketing campaign to a great effect. They named their campaign as: “It’s Our Mystery Summer Sale”. It is a great thinking because if we remove the mystery word from their heading it will become it’s our summer sale, which is very simple and people can easily ignore it. By just adding a single mystery word Peel make their campaign stand out from others.
They complement their heading by a well-designed image which shows a little glimpse of their product. This email make people curious about the new summer sale by well written heading and image plus if we look at their CTA which is very catchy and related to the content of the email.
This email has all the ingredients to be one of the best email marketing campaign of 2022.

This is one of the best email marketing campaigns by one of the best brands in the world. MacDonald started an email campaign to thank the frontline workers (who worked in the tough times of Covid-19) by offering them a free meal. This was a great idea by the marketing team and a great philosophy behind this email campaign. This was a message that the brand (MacDonald) is aware of their community and that they care about them. People loved this campaign because they feel that the brand was not just only aware of the social issues but also helpful.
This email campaign resulted in increasing customers' trust in the brand plus a high reach. CTA helped this campaign to be shared by so many people because they felt it is their social responsibility to share that message.
Best Social Media Marketing Campaigns:
Social media marketing is very important to any business because it helps you to reach out to your customers and enhance your brand value. It is also a great way to get your message across to your customers and increase your brand awareness. Here are some of the best social media marketing campaigns that you can use in 2022.

Oreo used Twitter for this social media campaign. Oreo’s marketing team did their homework and found out that so many people now a days are interested in star-signs and Horoscope. This information triggered the marketer and they came up with a brilliant idea. Just like Horoscope they launched Oreo scope which was very interesting and innovative.
The cookie brand ask people to hit like button and the brand will analyze their tweets and share an Oreoscope about their personality and how they are connected to the brand. This social media campaign got so many people interested and got so many like and retweets (Shares).
This idea worked very well because it was providing personalized content to the people and people loved it because they were getting insight about them by the brand itself.
This campaign was a huge success and still is one of the top social media campaigns of 2022.

Worldwide Hide is the best social media marketing campaign in2022. This campaign was launched by Cadbury which is a chocolate company. They created a global Easter egg hunt that allowed users to hide a virtual egg somewhere in the world and the user was allowed to share a hint with family and friends. The user also had the chance to purchase a real Cadbury egg to send it to the loved ones.
This campaign was very creative and it had a lot of social media engagement which helped it achieve its goals and become a top social media campaign in 2022.
Best Video Marketing Campaigns:
Video marketing is one of the best marketing campaigns that you can use to market your business. Video marketing is very important to any business because it helps you to reach out to a larger audience. There are many different ways to use video marketing in your business. Below is the example of video marketing campaign that was very successful:
This a new video advertisement campaign of Apple which is a tech giant of this universe. Apple highlighted a main issue in this video ad which is privacy. Privacy is everything for all of the people in this world. This video ad shows how the tech suppliers play with your privacy. They fetch all the data of their users by getting the access to location, microphone, camera, photos, contacts and gallery etc. Even some tech companies collects the data of thousands of customers with the purpose of selling.
In this video ad, a girl enters the auction where the data of her phone is on sale to different persons. Her data includes contacts, emails, accounts information, location and more like that. In the end she saves her data by using Apple IPhone which provides her with the privacy.
This ad is a great information for people that their data in not secure by any means and Apple is the only platform which cares about privacy and has been working on it continuously. Many people get inspired by this video ad which was a great success for Apple.
Best Offline Marketing Campaigns:
Offline marketing campaigns are very important to any business. It helps you to reach out to your customers in a different way. Offline marketing campaigns are very important to any business. You can use offline channels to do marketing of your business. Here is the best offline marketing campaign that worked well.
The F World Poster

To promote their new show Fox TV used an interactive poster that allowed passers-by to speak to Gordon Ramsay in real time. Gordon Ramsay is the host of the new Fox TV show The F.
The campaign was a hit and the company received a lot of positive feedback from the public and gained a lot of popularity. The campaign is a great example of how the use of technology can be used in a creative and innovative way in offline marketing.
Marketing Campaign Trends 2022
We are in 2022 and many trends are changing the way we market our business and our products or services. Everyone wants to stay ahead of the curve and create memorable and effective marketing campaigns which makes marketing in 2022 a lot more challenging than it was in the past. There are a lot of technologies and trends that are becoming mainstream in the marketing world. We have listed some of the marketing campaign trends for 2022 below.
1. Video Marketing
Video marketing has evolved over the past few years and has become a key element in many marketing campaigns. Businesses are using videos to convey their brand values, mission and vision, showcase their products and services, and create a deeper emotional connection with their audience. Video marketing campaigns are increasing in popularity and are a great way to capture the attention of the audience and promote your business. Videos are a great medium for branding and can be used in a variety of ways to promote your business. Videos have the power to convey complex messages in a simple way.
2. Quality Content
Quality content is a key aspect of a successful marketing campaign. But many businesses struggle with creating quality content for their marketing campaigns. This is mainly because they lack the right resources and experience. But with the right resources and guidance, you can create quality content for your marketing campaigns. Content creation can be a daunting task and requires a lot of time and effort.
3. Email Personalization
Email personalization is one of the most effective ways to connect with your customers. Personalized emails can help you achieve your business goals by increasing your open and click through rates. The more personalized your email messages are, the more likely your customers will be to engage with your emails.
4. Micro-Influencers
Micro-influencers are becoming increasingly popular among businesses. Influencers are individuals with large followings on social media platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter. Businesses are using micro-influencers to promote their products and services and generate more revenue. Micro-influencers are more affordable than celebrities and can reach a large audience. They can help businesses to build brand awareness and create brand loyalty.
5. Transparency
Businesses are becoming more transparent in the way they do business. This is mainly because of the recent economic crisis and the rise of social media. Consumers are becoming more aware of the products and services they buy. This is driving a lot of businesses to become more transparent in their marketing campaigns. Businesses are taking the initiative to tell their customers the real story behind the products they sell. Transparency is a great way to build trust and credibility in your business.
Final Words
As a business, you need to be able to stand out from the crowd and create a brand that people will remember. You only can do this with a strong marketing strategy. Marketing is the key to success for your business. Without it, your business will not be able to compete with the others.
In this article, we have discussed the best marketing campaigns of the year which can inspire you to come up with a creative, unique and effective marketing strategy for your business. We hope that you will find this article useful in creating a marketing strategy for your business.