- Login to cPanel.
- Click ‘Autoresponder’ under ‘Mail’ section.
- Click Add Autoresponder to create a new auto responder.
- Choose a character set. UTF-8 is the most common character.
- Set the interval, in hours, you wish for the autoresponder to wait between responses to the same email address.
- Set the email address where the response will come from.
- Type the name and the subject you want to appear in the response, in the From and Subject text fields respectively.
- If the response going to include HTML tags, then click to check the HTML checkbox.
- In the Body text field, type the message of the response.
- Select a start time. You can choose to either start responding Immediately or set a specific date and time to start from.
- Select a stop time. You can choose to ‘Never’ stop or stop at a specific date and time.
- Click Create to save the new auto responder.