You are a business owner and want to start marketing for business? Email Marketing is the cost efficient and the best way to do marketing. Email marketing provides the results immediately.

To do email marketing you need an Email List of the subscribers to send emails. Now the question is How to build an email List? Don’t worry this Article is all about building email list. We will discuss some useful strategies which you can use to build email list for your business.
If you already start thinking Oh No! This is not going to be easy to build an email list or how to get so much subscribers signed? Worry not, just stay with us as we will make it very simple and easy for you.
How to Build an Email List

First of all just talk through some basics of building an email list. We assume that you are just going to start building an email list from scratch, so these are the basics for you. Then we will head to main strategies which will be great to add more value to your email list.
1. Decide on your email strategy
First of all you have to decide what strategy you are going to use for email marketing. You need to have a clear purpose in mind that why are you starting email marketing. What rewards you want to get from your email marketing. A clear purpose will make it easy for you to build your mail list. We ca say it is the base so make sure set your base right to build on it.
A clear thought will make your email marketing successful and if you are not sure by yourself than this idea will certainly going to backfire.
2. Create a sign up form
Your base is set and you know the purpose of your email marketing, now it is easy for you to create sign up form accordingly. You can design and add all the necessary things according to your target. A clear email strategy will let you know which type of content you have to add, which information to take from subscribers and which type of call-to-action button to add.
3. Link the signup form with your CRM
While creating you need to link the sign up form with your Customer Relationship Management (CRM). A CRM is a system which stores all the customer’s data and information which enables you to have a full detailed info of your customers.
When you connect your sign up form to the CRM you will be able to collect all the data to monitor the performance of your email list.
4. Use your Signup Form smartly
Now when your signup form is created all you have to do is to place it into your website, blog, social media platforms and in your emails. Remember! Just placing the signup form will not work, you need to place it smartly. Place the signup form into the pages of your website or blog where there is a lot of traffic. You can place it in header or footer of a webpage.
10 Email List Building Strategies that can do wonder
We have mentioned 10 email list building strategies that can do wonder for your email list. Apply these strategies to your business one by one and see the magic.
1. Create a landing page
The first step to building a list is to create a landing page where people can sign up to receive your emails. You should have at least one freebie offer on your site, but make sure it’s something that people want. If they don’t want it then they won’t signup.

2. Use social proof
Social proof is a great way to convince someone to join your email list. People trust others who have already done what they’re asking them to do. So if you have testimonials on your website or blog, use them. If you provide people proof of your social accounts, list of your subscribers etc. it will build trust among them and trust definitely brings subscribers.
3. Tell a story
People love stories. If you tell them a good story they will subscribe happily. And if you tell a good story about how much value they’ll get from joining your list, you’ll be able to build a bigger list. Tip for you: Take the best part of your story and share it with people and ask them to subscribe to read full story.
4. Give away something valuable
If you give away something valuable, like a free eBook, you’ll increase your chances of getting people to sign up. You know people love to get free things. This can be the best strategy to get people subscribed. You can simply ask people to fill the subscription form to be eligible for giveaway.
5. Ask questions
You can ask questions to gather information from visitors. For example, “What would you like to know more about?” Your question can be interesting and urge people to answer. You can also attach an email subscription form with the questions.
6. Offer a contest
Offering a contest is a fun way to get people excited about signing up. But make sure you have clear rules and guidelines before you start. You can offer a contest and ask people to subscribe or signup to enter in that contest. This can be one of the best way to get a lot of people subscribed.
7. Make it easy to unsubscribe
It’s important to let people know how to unsubscribe easily. Include links in your emails that allow people to unsubscribe without having to go back to your website.
8. Pre-sell a product
Most ecommerce and SaaS businesses use this strategy now a days. They pre-launch a product even before it is manufactured. It is a great strategy for them to get people interested in that product. Most people pre order the product by getting subscription.
Businesses may not be able to make a great number of sales by this pre sell strategy but it is a great way to build your email list.
9. Host an event
An event is always a thing to get people interested. Event should be valuable so people start getting interest. You can host a small event and ask people to subscribe if they want to participate. You can simply get their emails to provide them details about you event.
If you are able to host a memorable event than people will definitely love to keep in touch with you, so your event should be good.
10. Conduct a Survey
People love to give their feedback even if they don’t know about a particular thing. Conducting a survey will entice people to give their opinion.
When you conduct survey it will help you to get email addresses for your email list and also understand the mindset of the people.
Maintain Your Email List
We have discussed how to build an email list and also about some strategies. It is not just about building an email list, the most important thing is to maintain it. You have built a huge email list of subscribers and have not maintained it well, you are not going to get the desired results.
Maintaining email list is very important. But the question is how to maintain email list?
Well, to maintain email list all you have to do is to regularly check the email list and stats provided by CRM. You will see a number of inactive or disengaged customers which are of no use. Infect these subscribers have a negative effect on the results of your email campaign.
All you need to do is to remove those subscribers from your email list on regular basis. This will clean your email list and make it more effective.
After writing all this content, one thing that we can say is building email list is very important if you want to do marketing of your business and want it to grow. You can easily build an effective email list by using the strategies which we have mentioned in this article.
Hopefully, this Article will help you start email marketing for your business. You can make it successful by doing a bit of work and if you need any help to start email marketing visit our blog to read the articles on what is Email Marketing? How to do Email Marketing? And everything you need. If you don’t want to read all that stuff just give us a call and we will do it for you.