Saturation Mailing or Saturation Direct Mailing is the most underrated and underutilized tool of Direct mail strategy. Many business even do not know about it and even if they know they misunderstand its effectiveness.
This Article is all about Saturation Mailing and how it can be effective for you as a business. This Article will help you to better understand Saturation mailing, what is saturation mailing lists and how can you take advantage of it.
Let’s start with definitions:
What is Saturation Direct Mailing List?

A saturation direct mailing list is a list of addresses (post office boxes or physical addresses) to which direct mail is sent without regard to whether or not the occupants have requested to receive the mail. Saturation mailing is also referred to as "junk mail" or "bulk mail."
A Saturation direct mailing list is a type of list that includes every address in a given area. This is opposed to a Targeted mailing list, which only includes specific addresses that meet certain criteria.
Saturation Direct Mailing List is a mailing list that sends out mails to people who have not opted-in to receive mail updates about products and services offered by companies. Saturation Direct Mailing Lists are often used by businesses to promote their products and services to potential customers.
Saturation mailing has a low response rate, however, because the mail is sent to everyone in the list regardless of whether or not they are interested in the product or service being offered.
Despite the low response rate, some businesses use saturation mailing as their primary marketing tool because the low cost per mail makes it affordable to mail a large number of mails in order to generate a few responses.
Difference between Saturated Mailing and Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM)
Saturated Mailing and Every Door Direct Mail are quite similar to each other and people often get confused about them. We have mentioned both to make it easy for you.
Saturation mailing
Saturation mailing is a method of direct mail marketing where the recipient receives a single piece of mail. This type of mail is sent out to many people at once and is often used for marketing purposes.
Every door direct mail (EDDM)
Every door direct mail is a method of direct marketing where each individual gets their own piece of mail. This is done by having a list of names and addresses of individuals who have requested information about a product or service. These pieces of mail are then mailed to each person individually.
Which one is better Saturation Mailing OR Every door direct mail?
Both methods are effective ways to get the word out about your business. However, saturation mailing is cheaper than every door direct mail. If you want to reach a larger audience, saturation mailing may be the way to go. On the other hand, if you only need to reach a specific group of people, every door direct mail may be the best option.
Benefits of Saturation Mailing Lists

Saturation mailing lists are a great way to reach out to potential customers. These lists consist of people who may not have already shown interest in what you offer. When you send out emails to these people, they are much more likely to respond than if you were sending them the unsaturated mailings.
The main advantage of using a saturation mailing list is that it is less expensive than using a targeted mailing list because the list is rented or purchased from a list broker and does not require the time and expense of developing and maintaining an in-house mailing list.
1. Higher response rates
When you send out unsaturated mailings, you may get some responses, but not many. However, when you send out saturated mailings, you’ll get higher response rates. You’ll also get a lot more information about your target market.
2. Stronger relationships
You’ll build stronger relationships with those who respond to your unsaturated mailings. Your relationship with them will be based on their interests, rather than yours. But when you send out saturated email campaigns, you’ll be able to develop strong relationships with your clients.
3. Client retention
Your clients will stay loyal to you longer when you use saturated email marketing. People don’t want to feel like they are being sold to. If they do, then they won’t stick around. So, make sure you keep your clients happy.
How Can You Get Started with Saturation Mailing?
1. Create a location run list
When you create a location run list, you’ll have the option to add locations to your list. When you select a location, you’ll get a pop-up window where you can enter the mailing address, city, state, zip code, and country. If you want to send to multiple addresses at once, you can do that here too.
2. Add quotes
Quotes are the words you use to describe your campaign. You can add them manually or import them from a spreadsheet. To add a quote, click “Add Quote” and then choose the type of quote you want to add. You can add a single line quote, a double line quote, or a block quote.
3. Select a count
You can set how many times you want to send to each location. You can also set the number of days you want to wait before sending again.
4. Set your budget
This is the amount you are willing to spend per day. You can change this anytime.
5. Start your campaign
Now you’re ready to start! Click “Start Campaign” and you are good to go!
Tips to create a successful saturation mailing list
Creating a successful saturation mailing list is easy if you follow these seven steps:
1) Identify your ideal target demographic
2) Understand their needs and wants
3) Develop clear marketing messages
4) Start sending out marketing messages
5) Wait for customers to recognize your products or services
6) Interact with customers repeatedly
7) Build a high-response list for future campaigns
Now, you now know how to create a successful saturation mailing list!
We have discussed how saturated mail is different from other direct mails and how it works? Also we have mentioned how to start saturation mail for your business.
If you are looking for a Saturation direct mailing list, then you are at right place. We offer the most comprehensive and up-to-date mailing list available.
If you are interested in a Saturation mailing list, then contact us today. We have experienced marketing and support teams available 24/7 for your help.
If you have any queries related to our services than reach us via live chat or email us at We will be very pleased to assist you.